K Money Mastery Review – Is it Still Relevant in 2018 (And Beyond)?
Did you know you're researching the Godfather of all mainstream Kindle publishing courses?
If you're thinking about getting K Money Mastery 2.0, then you're in the right place.
My guess is you ran into Stefan James Pylarinos's blog, Project Life Mastery, and you've been asking yourself: "Does K Money Mastery Work?".
It's a great question, and you're about to read the most up-to-date and BRUTALLY honest K Money Mastery review article.
In this article, you'll learn:
K Money Mastery (KMM for short) was the first self publishing course I ever took.
I have experience using the strategies taught in both the regular version of this course and the Full Disclosure lessons (you'll see what I mean soon).
I've taken multiple other self publishing courses since I first picked this course up in 2016, so I do have a lot to say about this one.
So, buckle up, grab a snack, and let's get this rolling!
What K Money Mastery 2.0 Is About
Notice that "2.0" after the course name? Yup, this is the second version. This one has been around for a while!
You're researching the first ever mainstream Kindle Publishing course. It was the first of its time.
The other courses (your other options) are only whitehat or blackhat derivatives of this course.
KMM was designed by Stefan to teach people to make money from Kindle publishing. The long-time slogan of the course was "How I Make $____ Every Month from Books I Didn't Write" or something along those lines.
And even though this course isn't promoted by Stefan as much as it used to be, that line still holds true - sort of.
Having been released four plus years ago, sometimes I wonder when K Money Mastery 3.0 will come out...
The Sales Funnel At A Glance

The first time you see OTO#1 in the sales funnel, it'll cost $47/month. If you decide to invest in it later, it'll cost you $67/month.
How much does KMM cost? The short answer is $97, however, we're dealing with a sales funnel product here.
A sales funnel product starts with what you see on the sales page and then works its way through a funnel (after purchasing the front-end product) where you'll be introduced to upsells or what are also called one-time-offers (OTOs).
For me to tell you exactly what you're going to get, it's necessary for me to break down the sales funnel.
K Money Mastery (Front End Product - $97) on its own will give you access to the basic lessons.
If you decide to invest in the front end (FE) course, you'll shortly (after paying) be prompted the first OTO – the K Money Mastery Full Disclosure (OTO #1).
OTO #1 is a monthly membership that will run you $67 per month.
This will give you access to the Advanced Lessons plus access to the exclusive Facebook groups.
You'll have an option to buy or say no thanks.
Next up in the funnel, is the OTO #2. Which is called the Kindle Virtual Assistant Training Program at a one-time cost of $197.
Lastly, OTO #3 is the Write a Book In 24-Hour Book course.
My video below takes you through the sales funnel and more.
What to Expect Once You Log in
Once you're logged in, you'll be welcomed to the member's area.
The first thing you'll see is a nice advertisement about joining the K Money Mastery Full Disclosure program (you'll notice this theme a lot if you just get the FE product).
In the course's navigation bar, the most valuable tabs will be the Lessons, Bonuses, Downloads, and debatable – the Resources tab.
Let's hone in on each of these tabs briefly.
The Lessons Tab
This, of course, is where you're going to learn how to start self publishing books on Amazon. We'll go over each lesson in the next section.
The Bonus Tab
After refreshing my memory about the videos on this page, I realize that these are a major help to any self publisher (anywhere in the world).
I can't tell you the number of times I've been in Facebook Kindle publishing groups where people want to know about Non-US Tax questions and How to Form an LLC for their self publishing business.
These answers can be found on this page.
The other self-help bonuses are quite good. Some of you may know I don't think KMM is among the best self publishing courses anymore, yet I can't deny Stefan's ability in the self-help, routines, and mindset realm.
A final note about this page is the first bonus (Automation and Outsourcing with Virtual Assistants). Stefan gives you an overview of virtual assistant (VA) automation of a self publishing business.
It's just a pitch to OTO #2. I've never taken OTO #2, but I know someone who has and made his own course about it.
That course is Kindle Autopilot. This course improves upon Stefan's OTO #2. If automating your business is what you'd like to do, I'd recommend skipping OTO#2 and investing in Kindle Autopilot instead ($50 cheaper too).
The Downloads Tab
These downloads are helpful for any new Kindle publisher.
However, I do recommend changing some things (especially in the Kindle Book Template) because LOTS of people have these templates.
The Resources Tab
The resource page is very long. I'll go over a few of them here.
How to Write a Book in Less Than 24 Hours. I found this program to be quite good. It's super-niched down, and you can get it on its own. I used this course to write one of my first books quickly.
K Money Mastery – Full Disclosure. This unlocks the Advanced Lessons which I think should be included in the main program (more on this later).
K Optimizer 2.0. A software program that submits your program to 60+ free website with a few clicks (monthly subscription). Not recommended in my book.
Kindle Virtual Assistant Training Program. This is outdated from what I heard. Kindle Autopilot is a good alternative.
KindleSpy. Stefan still calling this the "Ultimate Amazon Kindle Spy Tool" shows the age of this course a bit. KDSpy still has its uses, but an alternative tool has gained popularity over the years.
EpicWrite. A ghostwriting service he recommends. Thankfully Stefan mentioned that they have a reputation for lengthy delivery times (in my experience 30+ days).
The Writing Summit. I haven't outsourced a book to a ghostwriting service in a while, but the last service I used was the Writing Summit. They deliver quickly, on time, and have high-quality writers. Their service is a bit pricey but justified. Use the coupon code: fbbpub for a 5% discount on all future purchases.
Those are the ones worth mentioning. The rest are for other products from the Project Life Mastery brand.
Okay, it's time to get into the good stuff – the lessons!
K Money Mastery Lessons
In the Lessons tab, you can access all the lessons included in the course – all 21 of them. Each lesson contains 1-2 (or more) videos.
Throughout this article, I'll be comparing KMM to its main competitor Self Publishing Revolution (SPR).
Let's go through them one at a time, so you know exactly what you're getting.
Kindle Overview
This first video in this course is a good overview of how Kindle publishing works. Stefan starts with keywords 101 and how people find your books on Amazon for the first half of the book.
He then covers the rest of the Amazon publishing process like reviews, price, book-length, etc.
What follows this video is the Mastery Mentality video which has recently been added. It's basically self-help, with a business angle, video to help you have success with his course.
It'll help you overcome the shiny object syndrome and put you in the right mindset to accomplish not just KMM, but any course.

Below this video are testimonial videos that you saw on the sales page. From a marketing point of view, this is to get you pumped up.
It's rumored that these testimonials are fake. I tend to agree with these rumors and would say maybe one of these videos are true.
Lesson 1: Finding a Profitable Niche

This lesson has two videos dealing with niche research (aka finding good book ideas).
One for non-fiction and the second one for fiction publishers.
Stefan gives you a couple of strategies on how to pick profitable niches for your books.
This is very informative. Thanks for sharing your informative article with us. Keep up the fantastic work.
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