What's Good Ya Internet Marketing Fanatics!
It's ya main man Danyon Togia back in the house, and today I'll be reviewing a product created by Ewen Chia called Copy Paste Income. Ewen has claimed that Copy Paste Income can help you make $3,052.68 in one weekend with a single copy, cut, and paste. He says that this system teaches you how to hire world class professionals and get them to work and make money for you all day for free! Lastly, he claims that it is the only system online that makes you money without:
- any prior experience or skills,
- a website or a squeeze page,
- building a list,
- a domain name or web hosting, and
- traffic driving knowledge!
Let's see if Ewen Chia can deliver a high-quality internet marketing product that's worthy of my recommendation.
Oh, And I Forgot To Tell You One More Thing… The team here at Stopping Scams isn't affiliated with Ewen Chia or his Copy Paste Income product. We dedicate this site to writing extremely honest, real, authentic reviews that sometimes get us into a bit of trouble; we even lose a potential affiliate check every now and then because of how raw we are.
Why do we do this? We do this so you are aware of the sea of internet marketing fluff that's out there on the internet, and we'd hate for you to waste any of your hard-earned money on crappy, fluff-filled, overpriced internet marketing products.

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Copy Paste Income Review In A Nutshell
Copy Paste Income is just another crappy, low-quality product that includes a subpar strategy to making money on the internet. The video content is quite in-depth and long. However, it's still based on a strategy that involves a ton of generic, repurposed content (you'll see what I mean later on in the review). For these reasons and much more, I don't recommend that you purchase this product.
Just One Upsell To Begin The Review
There was only one upsell on offer after purchasing Copy Paste Income. This upsell included a traffic driving course that apparently generates millions of visitors for Ewen Chia hismelf. After skipping the upsell, I was taken to the Copy Paste Income membership site which looks a lil' something like this.

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To begin the review, I'll give you a quick rundown of the strategy that Ewen claims will help you make thousands of dollars per week with just a simple copy, cut, and paste.
What Is The Copy Paste Income Way Of Making Money Online?
Ewen advocates a quite common way of making money online – common in the land of crappy internet marketing products, that is. The gist of the strategy is to:
- Find a profitable niche
- Find affilliate products to promote within that niche
- Create ebooks in relation to that niche
- Promote the ebooks with your affilliate links inside them
In the video course, he gives you an over-the-shoulder look behind the details, specifically in relation to finding profitable keywords, affilliate products to promote, etc.

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There are a couple of things I'd like to say about this strategy:
- First off, it's extremely short-term. There are no instructions on how to build assets that will help you in years to come in your internet business such as building a list, a social media following, etc.
- The promotion method that he advocates is subpar. He says to post your ebook on sites such as Slide Share, and other forums and groups online.
- It's DEFINTELY not something that's going to make you $3000 over a weekend like Ewen claims.
Secondly – He Advises You To Promote His Own Product
This is just one common trait that I've noticed amongst the crappiest internet marekting products – they want you to promote their stuff. Ewen advises you to do the same thing as these other low-quality internet marketing products do, and he advertizes this "money-making opportunity" right smack bang on the Copy Paste Income membership site.

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Now, I'm not saying that EVERY product creator that asks you to promote them is terrible – it's just a common trait that I've seen amongst 99% of the worst internet marketing products that I've reviewed. They all ask their customers to promote their product on their membership site.
Lastly – Ewen Chia Gives You Some Rebranded Ebooks To Use
Ewen has included over 10 guides to get you off to a good start. However, I'm sure the information in these books are extremely generic.

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And if you really think about it, even if this strategy DOES work, how fast do you think this strategy of making money on the internet will become obscelete? If every single Copy Paste Income customer is using this strategy of making money, using the same rebranded ebooks, and promoting those books in the same places – don't you think that the Copy Paste Income strategy is quickly going to become a bit stale?
That's why I'm such a huge proponent for long-term strategies of making money. Providing real value to your market – building relationships, building a list, and monetizing it once you've reached a point with your clients/customers that they feel as if though they can trust you off of all the dank content you've provided for them.
Final Rating: D
Copy Paste Income includes an extremely short term way of making money online. The sales claims are misalligned as heck; you're not gonna make thousands of dollars every weekend with a strategy like this, there's no focus on building long-term assets and internet business skills, and it's overpriced for what it's offering.
Your time and money are better invested elsewhere.
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