Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 8, 2018

Millionaire's Brain Academy Review

What Is Millionaire's Brain Academy? A Scam, Legit? Check Out Our Review

A lot of readers have now been asking us what is Millionaire's Brain Academy.

Have a look at our review to see if this device may be worth your own time and money.

Specifically, readers want to know if the Millionaire's Brain Academy book is worth their time.

And the most common question in those emails is, "Is Millionaire's Brain Academy a Scam?&ldquo ;.

Today we'll answer that question as best as we can.

We'll take an in-depth look at this product for you.

What is Millionaire's Brain Academy?


Millionaire's Brain Academy is a program for people who want to adopt the same mindset and habits of millionaires.

The sales video is full of clips of famous businessmen, athletes, actors, and other "successful" individuals.

The implication being that you can become one of those people, if you follow the principles outlined in the program.

That's a tall claim.

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Who is the Author? And Why Should You Listen to Him?

Millionaire's Brain Academy was written by someone called Winter Vee.

Why someone? Continue reading to find out.


The story is Winter Vee was down on his luck and had a terrible car accident.

He was hospitalized for several months and decided to study mindset and the habits of successful people.

Then, he broke the code, and went on to earn millions of dollars.

In fact, he claims, after applying the lessons in the book, he earned 1.2 million dollars.

Just like that.

Supposedly, the whole process is outlined in his program; Millionaire's Brain Academy.

The problem is there are some inconsistencies with his story.

Long story short, we don't really know who Winter Vee is.

There's not much information about him online, besides being associated with an online coaching company called Achieve Today.

Other than that, there's no personal website, no profile accounts, no social media, no interviews, no mentions in articles, etc.

Maybe he wants to stay on the down-low, some people do, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that.

Maybe he's a real person, or maybe he's a persona; we don't know for sure.

Regardless, there are a lot of writers who use pen-names, so we can't disregard his work on that notion alone.

In A Nutshell…

Millionaire's Brain Academy is online course, with a focus on business and positive mindset.

There are lots of these kind of programs out there, and some contain useful information, but none of them will make you successful.

It all comes down to you.

Products only provide information.

You have to take the action.

With that in mind, let's look at some of the topics discussed in this course.

What's Inside Millionaire's Brain Academy?

When you purchase the program you'll be granted access to the member's area.

Within this area there are some up-sells, the main course, and some downloadable files, mostly workbooks.

The Main Course..

The main course is made up of 121 page eBook.

The entire concept of the book is to alter your mindset.

Like, cutting negativity from your mind, limiting beliefs, scarcity mindset, low self esteem, etc.

The book covers why a lot of people fail to reach their goals – there's some useful advice here.

Then it tries to dissect the mindset of successful people, such as for instance Steve Jobs, and mentions the habits that might result in his success.

Honestly, most of the information is very basic and it can be found in basically any self-help book.

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